There is a need for 3.04 trillion trees to be planted all over the world. From Brazil to America, Canada, and Europe… trees are needed everywhere. The different location has its own types of trees.
1treellion.org is granting funds to local organizations all over the world that plant trees. But not just plant trees, plant the right trees. Make sure they are supporting biodiversity. That the community is supporting those trees, making sure those trees will reach maturity.
1treellion is creating sustainable and regenerative communities around trees. Below you can see some of our projects.
To raise the level of transparency we are listing here some information on the projects we support. As we are focused more on the world and less on the world wide web it takes us longer to show all projects. Please stay tuned, as there are more organizations and countries than this list...
Planting the Moringa trees as part of the environmental program in Wamunyu, Kenya.

A youth-centric organization driven by the vision of creating communities where people and nature flourish. Through landscape restoration activities like planting trees and agroforestry we build resilience for smallholder farmers against the changing climate while economically empowering unemployed young people in Uganda's rural communities through education and training on setting up and managing indigenous tree nurseries and tree farms. The trees we plant include: Maesopsis Emini, Gravelia, Mugavu, Muvule, Mahogany, Khaya, Musiizi, Caliandra among others and fruit trees including jackfruit, Mangoes, paw -paws and more.
Four different species were planted in this project.

Thailand is home to a wide variety of rare and endangered species. The organization 1treellion focus on forest restoration and wildlife conservation. They supports restores degraded tropical ecosystems by recognizing the indispensable relationship between the animals and a healthy forest, and strive for an optimal balance between widespread and effective forest restoration – measured by the conservation of biodiversity, ecological health, and carbon sequestration – in conjunction with improving the economic and environmental quality of life for the local communities within the engaged region.
Six different species of trees were planted in this project.

Planting Wild Almond and Wild Pear trees, as part of a bigger project to restore the forest in Armenia.
Our planting started as the fights in the region began which put a holt on the project. However once it was safe again, our brave volunteers got back to the site to finish the planting.
This is a perfect example of human rights meeting climate change and making an impact for good. The team and the trees are safe.

Dois Riachões Settlement is made up of 40 families, with about 170 people, and is located in the municipality of Ibirapitanga – BA, lower south territory, in the Atlantic Forest Biome, 380 km from the capital, Salvador. This is where 1treellion planted 1000 trees with this community.
The Settlement follows the struggle for Agrarian Reform and democratization of land in Brazil. The consolidation of the Agrarian Reform process in the settlement, through an agroecological matrix, that from the "práxis" are intertwined insofar as they question industrial and conventional agriculture, so that the conceptual and methodological bases in the development of Agroecosystems are critically viable. Through this process, the peasant begins to assume an active position as a farmer who is a researcher of
the specificities of their production units, to develop appropriate technologies, not only for the local conditions of soil, relief, climate, and vegetation but also for ecological interactions, social, economic, and cultural, to think about actions that guarantee the food sovereignty of families, diversity, and self- management. Since 2019, the settlement has been technically monitored by MUKA, carrying out various activities.

Partnering up with a local team to restore the African Rain Forest in Tanzania. Putting at the forefront farmers to take part in sustainable protective measures and creations of superb ambassadors who will participate fully into conserving forest nature reserve and the planet in general, however by using a holistic framework, introducing poor peasant women to opportunities for better economic standards and training that would be otherwise unavailable.​
In addition 20 local schools are educated on environment preservation with the goal to add environmental studies to the curriculum in Tanzania's public schools.

The planting was done in a community called Machaquitas Chiclero, a village outside Puerto Barrios. The Community’s namesake, Machaquitas Chiclero, comes from two colloquial terms : a local river fish and a native tree that can be tapped for “chicle” or gum, respectively. Sadly neither the tree nor the fish can be found in this region, locally extinct, as the forests have since been cleared primarily for cow pasture, a very ecologically (and socioeconomically) destructive endeavor, especially in this part of the world. Fortunately, the families undertaking these projects understand the need to transition to more appropriate land uses, with one family replacing its pastures entirely with these trees. It’s hard to say at this point if the fish (machaquitas) and the trees (chicleros) will return so Machaquitas Chiclero village can live true to its name, but at least the displacement of destructive cattle and the transition to agroforestry projects will help in some way the community to honor their rivers and forests.

Guatemala / 2nd Planting
Around Antigua Guatemala, there is a magical forest. This is where we planted 400-500 trees. We started by traveling to “Cerro Niño” . From there we started hiking toward the planting site in Pastores.
We were approximately 30 volunteers - men, women, and children, planting those trees to regenerate this area.

In the community of Tierra Amarilla, in coordination with the beneficiaries of the community, a nursery was established with forest plants such as; Brasil Blanco (Caesalpinia echinate), Madero Negro (Gliricidia sepium), Jenízaro, Guapinol (Hymenaea courbaril), and Caoba (Mahogany) with the objective of establishing compact plantations in some acres and on the banks of rivers or unprotected areas, but an area of ​​approximately ½ hectare has also been identified where 500 will be transplanted in the rainy season (roughly May to July).
The idea is to form work groups where some are preparing the substrate for filling the bags, others are planting and irrigating once the filling is complete. This area will be georeferenced, some photographs will be taken to see changes through images, and we will collect data to learn about the development of the plants year after year.

The goal of this project is to see a thriving socio-ecological production landscape where the local communities are actively involved in the sustainable management and utilization of natural resources for increased production, the restoration of biodiversity,
wealth and the continuous flow of ecosystem services. The idea is to form work groups where some are preparing the substrate for filling the bags, others are planting and irrigating once the filling is complete. This area will be georeferenced, some photographs will be taken to see changes through images, and we will collect data to learn about the development of the plants year after year.

This women and youth organization is fighting desertification, poverty and gender inequalities by setting agro-ecological value chains to restorative landscape and create job opportunities for women and youth.
Women plant in their agro-ecological gardens, while the youth plant in forests, schools and public areas.
"Our women farmers take care of the trees on their lands ; and we have a group of 'The forest guardians' in schools who care of the trees in schools and public spaces. For each area, we have a forest manager to cares of logistic. "
Our community consists of 100 eco-driven individuals (including forestry experts) with whom we plant trees. We created a framework for sustainable development in Central Portugal called the 4S model:
Sustainable landscape: Mediterranean Mosaic
Sustainable design and technology: Biomimicry
Sustainable communities: Circular economy
Sustainable business models: 4Returns
Our projects increase public awareness on social development and environmental responsibility among Cultural Creatives.Placing a strong emphasis on quality communication and content creation which enhances engagement with the local, national and global community.
Supporting the Paris Climate Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goals in close partnership with coastal communities, we are focused on mangrove restoration and conservation with potential to plant on 100,000 Ha and conserve 580,000 Ha mangrove forests in Myanmar. We are planting an additional 5000 Ha this year, to increase from 2021.
So far, with what we have planted we have achieved 92% survival rate of trees and follow up research on our own mangrove gene bank in cooperation with Pathein University and Forest University.
More Coming Soon...
There are other projects 1treellion supports. They are in Peru, Guatemala, India, Australia, Nepal, the Philippines, and more. Stay tuned while we work. They will be shared soon.
*** More photos and personal stories will be shared soon.